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Cairde Na Gaelscoile


Cairde is our parent teacher association, made up of a group of parents and past-parents, who still have a keen interest in the school and a teacher representative. The group has an active role in school life. They organise events to bring the whole school community together, provide additional opportunities for our children to meet together and use their Irish and also to fundraise for the school for valuable resources for our children.


Our school aims to encourage all parents to participate actively in their child’s education and Cairde is an excellent opportunity for parents to achieve this. Cairde provides an opportunity for parents to talk together and to develop strategies which promote our school. 

Becoming a member of Cairde does not mean that you have to take on the role of a committee member but enables you, as a parent, to have a say in what you think is best for our children and more so, what you, would like us, the school, to provide for our children. Parents can contribute if and when they can. We really appreciate the great support our parents give our school and we value their input in to school life. 

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