School Aims

Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir aims:
To help all children develop a high standard of Irish.
To develop the children’s knowledge of Irish culture and other cultures throughout the world.
To help pupils develop into responsible citizens of the future.
To involve all parents in all aspects of school life.
To use a wide and varied range of teaching strategies, ICT in particular, to encourage all children to become independent learners.
To provide a broad and enrich curriculum for all children so that they may achieve their full potential.
To create a safe and encouraging learning environment where pupils, staff and parents feel valued and empowered.
To provide continual professional development opportunities for all staff which will support the educational development of each child.
To effectively utilise all resources, including staff, to enhance all children’s learning and development.
To celebrate all talents and achievements of all throughout the school.
To ensure that all children are as prepared as possible for the next phase of their schooling.
The school is a valuable part of the Irish speaking community in Derry, which passes its heritage on to the next generation. If pupils are to survive as Irish speakers in the community at large, the support of the existing Irish community, public institutions and government is necessary to ensure the needs of young Irish speakers are met, in every aspect of their lives.